Turbine Plans

Homebrew 10 foot Wind Turbine construction

Homebrew Wind Power by Dan Bartmann and Dan
Fink.The best book out there about building and flying
do-it-yourself wind turbines. We know, because we wrote it!
Order it from our Online Store HERE.

This page is one of a series that were the nucleus for
our new book, Homebrew
Wind Power
Everything here is pretty much correct, and you can build a successful,
reliable and quiet 10 foot diameter wind turbine from the free
information on these pages.

But--please note that as of January 1, 2009 we are
no longer updating these free plans here!

We have made numerous postings on our Discussion Board about things we
do differently from this wind turbine design now, and our book Homebrew Wind Power
goes into much more detail about all aspects of building wind turbines
from scratch, including revisions to this page. The new blog for our
book, HomebrewWind.com,
is where you'll find our latest updates, thoughts, corrections of
errors in the book, rants, raves, CAD drawings, videos, and random bits
about building wind turbines.

This page serves as an index of pages that detail how we build
a 10' diameter wind turbine. The machine is of a simple design, largely
based on Hugh Piggott's designs. It features and axial flux 3 phase
alternator. It should be fairly efficient in low winds (producing
perhaps in the ballpark of 100 watts in low 10mph winds) and it should
produce around 700 watts in winds of 25mph, at which time the machine
should begin to furl. Peak power we see from this machine is about
twice that (1500 watts) although I don't believe the alternator can
withstand that for long. It makes for a nice, quiet low wind machine.
Below are links to different stages of the project.

Metal Work Part 1:
On this page we build the main chassis for the machine.

Metal Work
Part 2: On this page we fabricate the tail boom.

Coil Winder:
This page details construction of the coil winder.

Stator mold:
Details of the mold in which we cast the stator.

Stator: Detail
of winding the coils and casting the stator.

Magnet Rotors:
Building the magnet rotors.

Assembly: Assembling the alternator

Wind turbine
blades: How to carve the blades

assembly: How to assemble the blades

How to build the 3 phase rectifier

Towers: An
older page with thoughts about towers and some ideas