OBSOLETE PAGE! Everything is 48 volts now, and 12 and 24v are rarely used. Updates to this page coming.
Back in the day, most remote power systems were wired for 12 volts. Some larger systems were wired for 24 volts. It's a delicate call to make this decision in most cases. Even larger voltages are used in some huge systems. The main advantage of 24 volt systems over 12 volts is that wire size is cut in half throughout the system. Besides affecting battery bank wires, this includes solar panel, wind generator and hydro plant wiring, too--if you have hundreds of feet of wire, this cost can add up quickly. The disadvantages of using 24 volts are that 1) you'll need an expensive, power-wasting transformer to run 12 volt lights and appliances, and 2) if you want to buy a cheap, Chinese inverter, they are only available in 12 volt versions. More expensive inverters are available in different voltages.Series and Parallel Battery Wiring Lead-acid batteries always have 2 volt cells wired in series to give the desired voltage. Some batteries have 3 2 volt cells in the case, already wired together for 6 volts. Most battery banks use a combination of series and parallel wiring. Series wiring increases voltage but NOT amp/hour capacity. Parallel wiring increases capacity but NOT voltage. Series Wiring Example

Buss Bars It often saves a lot of trouble later to install + and - buss bars directly off of your battery bank, connected with wire thicker than what you need for your inverter These buss bars give you extra room to hook up new windmills, solar panels, meters, loads, etc. Use rectangles of at least 1/4" thick copper, drilled with extra holes. It's easy to tap threads into copper, too--this will speed your hookup time (no nuts necessary on the back side of the buss bar). If you have an amp/hour meter, it's shunt should go between the - (negative) buss bar and the battery bank so that all power collected and used is measured.