We are a group of alternative energy enthusiasts who want to spread the message that it's FUN and EASY to make your own electricity FROM SCRATCH. Otherpower headquarters is located in a remote part of the Northern Colorado mountains, 11 miles past the nearest power pole or phone line. All of our houses and shops run on only solar, wind, water and generator power...not because we are trying to make some sort of political or environmental statement, but because these are the only options available. And we refuse to move to town.
We could never have made it to our current level of electrification up here without the help of friends, neighbors--and folks we've never met, thanks to the internet. Our goal is to share our information about experimental successes and failures alike, free of charge, with anyone who is interested. We also offer a wide selection of books and hard-to-find alternative energy parts and components on our Online Store. We hope you find our pages informative, useful and enjoyable!