This "user's manual" for our 10 foot diameter wind turbines is now available for free online. It covers the basics of installing our home-built wind turbine design, including:
- The parts and what they do
- Building the rectifier and stop switch assembly
- Controllers and dump loads
- System wiring
- Towers
- Assembling and balancing the rotor
- Troubleshooting
It's a very useful reference, and we are pleased to be able to make it available for free. The file size is large for some users, 4.8 meg. If you can't download it over your connection, it's available in printed and bound form at low cost HERE.
We highly recommend that ANYONE who is considering buying or building a wind turbine read this manual before making a purchase of wind turbine parts, kits, or a completed machine, whether it's our wind turbine design or someone else's.
To download and read it in your browser, just click the link below.
Wind Turbine User's Manual . . PDF File, 4.8 meg
To save it to your hard drive, right click the link and select "Save link as" or "Save target as."
The document is copyrighted, but you may certainly print it out at home for your own reference. It's 45 pages long.