Fun with Hugh Piggott and other great folks!

The Dans and myself had a grand time early this April spending a week and change at the SEI Home Built Wind Generator workshop seminar with Hugh Piggot on Guemes Island in Washington. Dan* went last year and had so much fun, they had to go back. I had the opportinity to tag along, and I'm glad I did. I took lots of pictures which are sorted by day. Some days have lots of pictures, and may take time to load... sorry about that.
Sunday was the first day we arrived on the island... the seminar hadn't started yet, and there is really no applicable content. Just some pictures of the location.
Monday folks got aquainted and got some idea about the week ahead.
Tuesday... work is getting done!
Click Here to see Wednesday's progress, and some pictures of the African Windpower maching we toured that day.
Thursday's progress... things taking shape.
Click Here for Friday pictures...getting closer...
Saturday (crunch time) was the final day of the seminar, and there are lots of pictures...please be patient!
After Hours, usually starting at about 10 or 11PM we had lots of music and fun in cabin #6.
Below are some other important and related links!
Hugh Piggott's Website is full of information about homebrew wind turbines, pictures of his seminars, and fun reading.
Solar Energy International put this seminar on for us. Hats off to them!
Blue Energy is a non-profit with plans to help small communities in Central America set up small wind power systems. They were here... great folks.
Guemes Island Resort, this is where we stayed both this year, and last year.
Whidbey Sun and Wind is a local company that designs and installs RE systems in Washington. Kelly came by this year and played harmonica with us.